Reduce the impact of chronic conditions
Providing access to equitable, compassionate care that brings lasting positive impact, for less.
Chronic conditions can stifle quality of life, strangle productivity, and drain the pocket.
But they don't have to.
By offering access to integrative healthcare that nurtures adherence, we strive to loosen the grip chronic conditions have on quality of life, productivity, and costs.
Lumina Health offers comprehensive and effective chronic care by combining medical expertise, technological advancements, and a patient-focused approach.

Why Lumina Health
Integrative care, simplified

Improve quality of life
Integrative medicine reduces pain and other symptoms, improves mental, physical, and social health, and decreases opioid use.

Reduce cost of care
Digital integrative care decreases inpatient emergency care and reduces healthcare costs.
Decades of experience behind what we do
Our team of world-renowned specialists from five continents brings decades of expertise to treating complex chronic conditions. We specialize in integrative chronic care and behavioral psychology.
Our goal is to provide effective, compassionate care anywhere, every day.

Professor Emeritus of Anesthesiology, Orthopedic Surgery, and Pain Medicine at the University of Florida College of Medicine, Boezaart's more than 40 years of experience ensures we provide high-quality, appropriate, and effective pain treatment and educational content.

Associate Professor and Associate Vice Chair of Research at the Department of Anesthesiology, Division of Pain Medicine, Emory University School of Medicine and Founder of the Division for Pain Management at the Veterans Affairs Health Care System in Atlanta, Woodbury's extensive knowledge guides our integrative approach to pain intervention and management.

Professor of Anesthesiology, Associate Chair for Research and Head of the Division of Pain Medicine at the University of Florida, Przkora's 18 years of experience in pain medicine and anesthesiology inform our multidisciplinary approach to pain management.
Associate Professor of Public Policy, Business Administration, and Psychology in the Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy at the University of Virginia, Adams' 21 years of experience in behavioral psychology helps Lumina Health develop integrative pain solutions that have a long-lasting positive impact.

Professor and Chairman of the Pain Management Department at Cleveland Clinic, Rosenquist's 40 years of experience in anesthesiology and pain medicine provide a depth of wisdom and knowledge we draw on to develop integrative pain care that works.

Program Director at the Defense and Veterans Center for Integrative Pain Management and the Department of Military Emergency Medicine at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Buckenmaier's expertise in pain management improvement ensures our care is long-lasting and effective.
